Which statement best explains why the argument is logical? the argument incorporates empirical and anecdotal evidence. the argument includes a strong counterclaim and a fair rebuttal. the argument contains relevant reasons supported with facts and data. the argument includes a personal experience as an emotional appeal.
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5 (3 stars)
azikennamdi 1 year ago
1255 response - 0 helps

It can be inferred that the argument is logical because:
"the argument contains relevant reasons supported with facts and data" (Option C)

What is an Argument?

An argument is a reason or a number of reasons why an idea should be taken or supported.

A logical argument is one that is void of emotional statements and views.

Learn more about Arguments at:

5 (3 stars)
annschuler0 1 year ago
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The answer is " The argument contains relevant reasons supported with facst and data. "  


Hope this helped!

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