Which of the following numbers is the sum of 82.545 and 128.580 written with the correct number of significant digits? A. 211.1225 B. 211.125 C. 211.13 D. 211.130

ty :)

is it really B?

Expert-verified answer
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samuelonum1 2 years ago
222 response - 0 helps

When we add 82.545 and 128.580 we get a total of 211.125, now the closest number to the answer is B. 211.125Addition of Numbers

Mathematical Operations

Given Data

  • Number one = 82.545
  • Number two = 128.580

Apart from addition of numbers there are other mathematical operations we can perform on integer numbers like in our example above

they are

  1. Subtraction
  2. Multiplication
  3. Division
  4. Modulus ---This will return the remainder of the numbers when divided

Total Number = 82.545 + 128.580Total Number = 211.125

Learn more about Mathematical Operations of numbers here:https://brainacademy.pro/question/10679598

5 (1 star)
paulnick3015 1 year ago
10 response - 0 helps



Step-by-step explanation:

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