A certain circle can be represented by the following equation. x^2+y^2+16x-14y+49=0x 2 +y 2 +16x−14y+49=0x, squared, plus, y, squared, plus, 16, x, minus, 14, y, plus, 49, equals, 0 What is the center of this circle ? ((left parenthesis ,,comma ))right parenthesis What is the radius of this circle ? units
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semsee45 2 years ago
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center = (-8, 7)

radius = 8 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Equation of a circle:

(where (h, k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius)

Rewrite the given equation:


  • center = (-8, 7)
  • radius:  

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