Jose is wrapping a stack of 100 coins in a paper holder. Each coin is 1/8 inch thick and has a diameter of 1 inch. How many square inches of paper will Jose need to cover the stack of coins? Use 3.14 for ππ.
5 (2 stars)
KennyOliver 2 years ago
56 response - 0 helps


10.205 inches²

Step-by-step explanation:

  • What is being described is essentially a cylinder (like a tin can)!
  • Note: for this question let's assume the paper's thickness doesn't matter
  • If there's 100 coins, each being 1/8 inch thick
  • The height of the cylinder must be 100 * 1/8 = 12.5 inches
  • To find the area of the bottom and top of our cylinder let's first calculate 1 side:
  • The area of a circle = π × r²
  • area = π × (1/8)² = π/16  inches²
  • two circles is just double the area: 2 * π/16 = π/8
  • Now that we know the height and the area of the top + bottom
  • We can now use the cylinder formula for surface area
  • A = 2πrh + 2πr²  (notice how we've already done 2πr² with our circles!)
  • A = 2 × π × 1/8 × 12.5 + π/8
  • A = (13π) / 4 = (13 × 3.14) / 4 = 10.205 inches²

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