Surah took the advertising department from her company on a round trip to meet with a potential client. Including Sarah a total of 13 people took the trip. She was able to purchase coach tickets for $240 and first
class tickets for $1180. She used her total budget for airfare for the trip, which was $11,580. How many first class tickets did the buy? How many coach tickets did she buy?

Question 1.number of first class tickets bought -
5 (2 stars)
semsee45 1 year ago
2792 response - 0 helps


9 first class tickets

4 coach tickets

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = number of first class tickets bought

Let y = number of coach tickets bought


  • A total of 13 people took the trip

⇒ x + y = 13


  • Total cost of first class tickets = $1180
  • Total cost of coach tickets = $240
  • Total budget = $11,580

⇒ 1180x + 240y = 11580

Rewrite first equation to make y the subject:

⇒ y = 13 - x

Substitute this into the second equation and solve for x:

⇒ 240(13 - x) + 1180x = 11580

⇒ 3120 - 240x + 1180x = 11580

⇒ 940x = 8460

⇒ x = 9

Therefore, 9 first class tickets were bought.

To find the number of coach tickets bought, simply substitute the found value of x into equation 1 and solve for y:

⇒ 9 + y = 13

⇒ y = 4

Therefore, 4 coach tickets were bought.

2 (1 star)
hoodzie762 1 year ago
20 response - 0 helps



Step-by-step explanation:

240+1180= 1420

11580-1420 = 10160

10160÷13 ~=~ 781.54

PLACE as brainliest

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