Which events in animal farm correctly match historical events? select three options. marx’s publishing of the communist manifesto parallels snowball’s development of various committees. the rebellion against tsar nicholas ii parallels the animals’ rebellion against jones. lenin’s renaming of russia to the ussr parallels snowball and napoleon’s renaming of manor farm to animal farm. stalin’s takeover of the ussr parallels the humans’ attack in the battle of the cowshed. the development of the communist party parallels the development of animalism.

What is the central idea of this passage?<br /><br />The cat is hungry.<br />The cat means well.<br />The cat is lazy.<br />The cat is ignorant.

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PlutoniumLollipop 1 year ago
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1) The rebellion against Czar Nicholas II parallels the animals’ rebellion against Jones

2) The development of the communist party parallels the development of Animalism

3) Stalin’s takeover of the ussr parallels the humans’ attack in the battle of the cowshed?

0 (0 stars)
PiperGGG 1 year ago
2 response - 0 helps


B) The rebellion against Tsar Nicholas II parallels the animals' rebellion against Jones.  

Explanation: bc  i said soooooo

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