A government institutes new measures in an attempt to limit inflation. To what macroeconomic goal is this action most directly related
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anthougo 2 years ago
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When the government institutes new measures in an attempt to limit inflation, the macroeconomic goal it is directly related to is C. Stable Prices.

What is a macroeconomic goal?

A macroeconomic goal is an achievement that an economy attains in order to maximize the standard of living of the people and achieve stable economic growth.

There are four macroeconomic goals, including:

  1. Economic Growth
  2. Economic Stability
  3. Full employment
  4. Stable financial market.

The macroeconomic goals are supported by the following objectives:

  • Minimizing unemployment
  • Increasing productivity
  • Controlling inflation.

Answer Options:

A. Equity

B. Efficiency

C. Stable Prices

D. Full Employment

Thus, when the government institutes new measures in an attempt to limit inflation, the macroeconomic goal it is directly related to is C. Stable Prices.

Learn more about macroeconomic goals at https://brainacademy.pro/question/19098930

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