What is the missing numerator?

A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
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kawaiixmitsu 2 years ago
79 response - 0 helps


C. 3

is the answer :)

hopefully this helps

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JurassikLizard 2 years ago
3 response - 0 helps


D: 4

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Make the 1/4 into 5/20 by multiplying top and bottom by 5/5

x/5 - 5/20 = 11/20

2) Move the 5/20 to the other side

x/5 = 11/20 + 5/20

3) Add the 2 fractions on the right

x/5 = 16/20

4) Make the fraction on the right have a denominator of 5 by dividing top and bottom by 4/4

x/5 = 4/5

5) Multiply both sides by 5

x = 4

The missing numerator is 4.

Still have questions?