______________ relates to any form of art that has a purpose or use. a. embroidery c. handicraft b. utilitarian d. weaving please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d
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marvineetesh3 1 year ago
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The art that has a purpose or use is related to the handicraft. It is the art that is related to the hand making products. Option c is correct.

What is handicraft?

A handicraft is often known as artisanal handicraft or handmade.

It is any of a number of different sorts of work in which useful and ornamental things are created entirely by hand or with only simple, non-automated instruments such as scissors, carving implements, or hooks.

It relates to any form of art that has a purpose or use.

Therefore, option c is correct.

Learn more about handicraft, refer to:


5 (1 star)
sr155760 2 years ago
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