Which of the following equations are equivalent? Select three options.
2 + x = 5
x + 1 = 4
9 + x = 6
x + (negative 4) = 7
Negative 5 + x = negative 2
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joaobezerra 1 year ago
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Solving them, it is found that the equivalent equations are given as follows: 2 + x = 5, x + 1 = 4, -5 + x = -2.

What are equivalent equations?

Equivalent equations are equations that have the same solution.

In this problem, the equations and their solutions are given as follows.

  • 2 + x = 5 -> x = 3.
  • x + 1 = 4 -> x = 3.
  • 9 + x = 6 -> x = -3.
  • x - 4 = 7 -> x = 11.
  • -5 + x = -2 -> x = 3.

Hence the equivalent equations are: 2 + x = 5, x + 1 = 4, -5 + x = -2.

More can be learned about equivalent equations at https://brainacademy.pro/question/2972832


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