Based on paragraphs 1 and 2, analyze how Rosa Parks introduced herself. What additional information do you learn about Parks’ character from the details she shares? Highlight evidence from the text and make annotations to explain your analysis. In paragraph 5, Parks used the word “tired” repeatedly. Why does she repeat the word? What effect does this create? Discuss the denotations and connotations of this word as Parks used it. Highlight textual evidence and make annotations to explain your response. In paragraph 13, Parks said that she was not frightened or angry but “resigned” to the consequences of the situation. Which details in previous paragraphs illustrate this attitude? Support your answer with textual evidence and make annotations to explain your answer response. In paragraph 16, explain how Parks used word denotation and connotation to create the mood of the jail. Highlight evidence from the text and make annotations to support your explanation. Based on the text, is Rosa Parks a hero? Why or why not? Highlight textual evidence and make annotations to explain your evaluation.
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azikennamdi 2 years ago
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An American Female Civil rights activist, Rosa Parks is known as the "Mother of the civil rights movement".

Who is Rosa Park?

An American Female Civil rights activist, Rosa Parks is known as the "Mother of the civil rights movement".

This is because she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama.

From the paragraphs given:

a) Rosa Parks introduced herself as the lady who twelve years earlier had been put off a bus in 1943 by a tall, heavy, rough-skinned, mean-looking man.

b) The details she shares reveal that her character is that of a person who under normal circumstances would avoid trouble. Notice she said in the last sentence of paragraph 1, "I do know that most of the time if I saw him on a bus, I wouldn't get on it."

c) She used the word "tired' in relation to being fed up of giving in to the notion that colored people were second-class citizens.

d) The effect of the word tired in relation to giving in served as a form of Pathos. An appeal to the emotion of the reader to see the event from the angle of a lady tired of being mistreated.

e) Denotation of the word tired means to be physically enervated, weak, or lacking energy. Rosa made it clear that this was not necessarily the case or the reason why she refused to give-up her seat.

In a connotative sense, she meant that she was fed up of giving in to the notion that colored people were second-class citizens and being maltreated. According to her, the more "we gave in, the worse they treated us".

f) By stating that she had "resigned to the consequences of the situation" Rosa mean that she was ready for anything that happened thereafter. The section of the excerpt (paragraph 13) that demonstrates this attitude is the part where she has been kept under custody.

g) She states that she was thrown in a dark empty cell. The denotation of the phrase shows the kind of treatment she was subjected to. It is interesting to note that the cell was not well lit.

h) Yes, it may be said that Rosa Parks is a heroine. This is because she stood up against what was wrong, and it paved off, paving the way to the liberation of millions of colored people.

Learn more about Rosa Parks at:

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