Consider the enlargement of the pentagon. A small pentagon has a bottom side length of x centimeters and left side length of 7 centimeters. A larger pentagon has a bottom side length of 7 centimeters and left side length of 15 centimeters. Not drawn to scale What is the value of x, rounded to the nearest tenth? 2. 1 centimeters 3. 3 centimeters 7. 0 centimeters 15. 0 centimeters.
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shubhamchouhanvrVT 2 years ago
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When the pentagon is drawn to scale then its value of x will be x=3.3 cm

What is the pentagon?

The pentagon is defined as the shape having five sides connected together.

Now it is given in the question that

For small pentagone

Bottom =x

left =7 cm

For larger pentagone



Now since the pentagon is actually dilated from its size to the new bigger size. It means that the equivalent ratio of both the pentagons will be equal.

For smaller pentagon

For bigger pentagon

Since both, the ratio is the same

Thus the pentagon is drawn to scale than its value of x will be x=3.3 cm

To know more about Pentagone follow

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