An Eiffel Tower mural is 2 meters high and 0.77 meters wide. If the actual tower is 125 meters wide, how tall is it to the nearest meter?
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abidemiokin 1 year ago
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If the actual tower is 125 meters wide, then the height will be approximately 325m

Similarity ratio of shapes

The ratio of the similar sides of the shape is equal to a constant.

If an Eiffel Tower mural is 2 meters high and 0.77 meters wide the  actual tower is 125 meters wide, then the new height will be expressed as;
2/0.77 = H/125

Cross multiply

0.77H = 2 * 125
0.77H = 250
H = 250/0.77
H = 325m

This means that if the actual tower is 125 meters wide, then the height will be approximately 325m

Learn more on similar shapes here:

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