What is the volume of this right prism? 1200 in³ 1800 in³ 2040 in³ 3600 in³ Right triangular prism. The height of the prism is labeled as 15 in. The base of the prism is a triangle with the base labeled as 30 in., the height labeled as 8 in., and the other 2 sides of the triangle labeled as 17 in.

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5 (8 stars)
PiaDeveau 2 years ago
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Volume of right prism is 1800 in³, So option 'B' is the correct answer to the following question.

Volume of right prism

What information do we have?

Height of the prism is labeled = 15 in.

Base of the prism is a triangle with the base = 30 in

Height labeled = 8 in

Volume of right prism = Area of base triangle × Height

Volume of right prism = (1/2)(b)(h) × Height

Volume of right prism = (1/2)(30)(8) × 15

Volume of right prism = (30)(4) × 15

Volume of right prism = 120 × 15

Volume of right prism = 1800 in³

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5 (4 stars)
piippi 2 years ago
22 response - 0 helps


The answer is B. 1800

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