What is the area of this figure?

Composite figure composed of a square with dimensions 3 ft by 3 ft, triangle with a base of 11 ft and a height of 3 ft and rectangle with dimensions 11 ft by 3 ft.
Expert-verified answer
5 (1 star)
akposevictor 2 years ago
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The area of the composite figure = area of square + area of triangle + area of rectangle = 58.5 ft²

What is the Area of the Composite Figure?

Area of the composite figure = area of square + area of triangle + area of rectangle = s² + 1/2(bh) + lw

Given the following:

  • s = 3 ft
  • b = 11 ft
  • h = 3 ft
  • l = 11 ft
  • w = 3 ft

Area of the composite figure = (3²) + 1/2(11)(3) + (11)(3)

Area of the composite figure = 58.5 ft²

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