What is the volume of this figure?

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(I already know the answer is 3300)
Expert-verified answer
5 (2 stars)
ashishdwivedilVT 2 years ago
175 response - 0 helps

The volume of the figure, by splitting it into two cuboids comes to be 3300 ft³.

Let us split the given figure into two cuboids

The dimensions of one cuboid = 20 ft*25 ft *5ft

The dimension of the other cuboid = 4 ft*25ft * 8ft

So, the volume of the figure will be the sum of the volume of both the cuboids.

What is the volume of a cuboid?

The volume of a cuboid is the product of its three dimensions i.e. length, breadth, and height.

So, the volume of the cuboid with dimensions 20 ft*25 ft *5ft

= 20*25*5

=2500 ft³.

The volume of the cuboid with dimensions  4 ft*25ft * 8ft


=800 ft³.

So, the volume of the figure = 2500 + 800 =3300 ft³.

Therefore, the volume of the figure, by splitting it into two cuboids comes to be 3300 ft³.

To get more about cuboids visit:


3 (1 star)
nrheighterugg 2 years ago
1 answer - 0 helps


Step-by-step explanation:

For this problem it is easier to split it up into two shapes. One being the big box(1) on top and the other being the small box(2) below it.

Volume of box 1:

Volume of box 2:

Total volume:

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