The cheeseburger in Alan\'s kid\'s meal has 300 calories. His fries have 101 and his drink has 150. How many tota calories
are in his meal?
3 (1 star)
adrikoshi 2 years ago
1 answer - 0 helps
his meal has a total of 551 calories.

300+150 = 450

450 + 101 = 551
5 (2 stars)
Deleted account 2 years ago
40475 response - 0 helps


551 calories

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the number of calories in each part of his food you can add:
300 + 101 +150
to equal the total amount of calories in his food, which would be:
551 calories
In conclusion, there would be a total of 551 calories if Alan's kid's meal.

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