If interstellar gas has a density of 1 atom/cm3, how big a volume of material must be used to make a star with the mass of the Sun
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asuwafohjames 2 years ago
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The volume of the material that must be used to make a star with the mass of the sun is 1.2×10⁵¹ m³.

What is volume?

Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object or a plane figure.

To calculate the volume of the material that must be used to make a star with the mass of the sun, we use the formula below.


  • D = m/V............ Equation 1


  • D = Density of the interstellar gas
  • m = mass of the sun
  • V = Volume of the material

Make V the subject of the equation

  • V = m/D........... Equation 2

From the question,


  • m = mass of the sun = 1.9891×10³⁰ kg
  • D = 1 atom/cm³ = 1.66×10⁻²¹ kg/m³

Substitute these values into equation 2

  • V = ( 1.9891×10³⁰)/(1.66×10⁻²¹)
  • V = 1.2×10⁵¹ m³

Hence, The volume of the material that must be used to make a star with the mass of the sun is 1.2×10⁵¹ m³.

Learn more about volume here: https://brainacademy.pro/question/1972490

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