The symbol for a radioactive nuclide is superscript 131 subscript 56 upper b a.. which statement is correct? the atomic number of the radioactive nuclide is 75. the mass number of the radioactive nuclide is 131. the number of neutrons that are present in the nucleus of each atom is 56. the number of protons that are present in the nucleus of each atom is 131.
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lhabdulsamirahmed 1 year ago
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In a given radioactive nuclide, we can easily find the mass number, mass of proton and neutron by subtracting the mass of proton from the mass number.  The mass number, mass of proton and mass of neutron of the radioactive nuclide are 131, 56 and 75 respectively.

Properties of an atom


  • Mass Number = 131
  • Atomic Number = 56

In a given atom, the mass number of an atom comprises of the mass of proton and mass of neutron. The atomic number of the element or atom is equal to the mass of the proton.

In this case,

mass number = mass of proton + mass of neutron.

From the calculation above, the mass number, mass of proton and mass of neutron of the radioactive nuclide are 131, 56 and 75 respectively.

Learn more on mass of an element here;


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