The United States has an approximate population of
3.3 x 10^8people. Each person in the Unitd States
consumes an average of about 14.000 grams of rice
per year.
Brazil has an approximate population 2.1 x 10^8
people. Each person in Brazil consumes an average of
about 5 x 10^4 grams per year.
How many times as many grams of rice does each
person consume an average in Brazil as in the United
States> Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
Expert-verified answer
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joaobezerra 1 year ago
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Using proportions, it is found that each person consumes 3.57 times as many rice in Brazil and they do in the United States.

What is a proportion?

A proportion is a fraction of a total amount.

In this problem, we have that:

  • The rate in Brazil is of .
  • The rate in the United States is of .

Hence, the rate between the consumption in Brazil and in the United States is given by:

Each person consumes 3.57 times as many rice in Brazil and they do in the United States.

More can be learned about proportions at

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