Solve: For each chemical equation below, write the number of product molecules that
will form from the reaction. Then circle the limiting reactant. (Note: The coefficients in
front of the reactants indicate the number of reactant molecules or atoms present.)
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pstnonsonjoku 2 years ago
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For all the reactions listed, the moles of products and limiting reactants are;

1. Molar cofficient - 6, oxygen is the limiting reactant

2. Molar coefficient - 8 chlorine is the limiting reactant

3. Molar coefficient - 4 and CO2 is the limiting reactant

What is a chemical reaction?

A chemical reaction is a combination of reactants that yields products. Recall that the limiting reactant is the reactant that nis present in the least amount.

Let us now complete each reaction;

1. The molar coefficient of the product in reaction 1 is 6 and oxygen is the limiting reactant

2. The molar For all the reactions listed coefficent of the product in reaction 2 is 8 and chlorine is the limiting reactant

3. The molar coefficient of the product in reaction 3 is 4 and the limiting reactant is CO2.

Learn more about limiting reactant: https://brainacademy.pro/question/14225536

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