Social relationships are:

A. The process of correlation, at the least, two persons oriented on mutual cognition, determining and developing the relationship, influence their outness, sights and behavior, and regulation their synergy activity.

B. Reality of human relations is like specific forms of people’s synergy activity.

C. The multidimensional process includes establishing and developing contacts between people, which causes drive in synergy activity and having the sensation of man by man, information sharing between people, and building integrative strategies.

D. Invalids’ actions intended to each other that aimed at achieving certain objectivity- solving practical tasks and realization of the values.

E. Human dependence realized through social action focused on other people waiting for a partner’s response.
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ThailandQueen 1 year ago
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A social relation or social interaction is the fundamental unit of analysis within the social sciences, and describes any voluntary or involuntary interpersonal relationship between two or more individuals within and/or between groups.



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