Unarmed [Russian] men had to be sent into the trenches to wait till their comrades were killed or wounded and their rifles became available. -report from a British officer in Russia (1915)

1. What does this say about Russia’s war effort at home?

2. What does this say about Russia’s military in world war 1
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Parrain 1 year ago
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The excerpt given from the British officer shows that Russia's military in World War I was underequipped and unprepared to fight the war.

How was Russia's military in WWI?

When Russia joined WWI, they were easily defeated by the German armies because they were underequipped to fight against a superior force. They had problems with military training and supplies.

This put more pressure on Russians on the home front who were made to sacrifice food and to work extra heard to ensure that Russian soldiers were equipped enough.

Find out more on Russia's efforts in WWI at https://brainacademy.pro/question/10419945.


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