A system is a group of parts that can be considered one unit. Storm systems, ecosystems, and our bodies are natural systems. Cars and houses are human-made systems. Choose an example of a system, and analyze the energy flow through the system. Describe in detail how energy enters the system, how energy changes form while in the system, and how energy leaves the system.
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luisvaschetto 1 year ago
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Energy and matter flow within biological systems from basal trophic levels to higher levels, which involves energy loss as heat.

What is a biological system?

An organism can be considered as a biological system where energy and matter flow during its lifespan.

In a consumer (e.g., a wolve), energy and matter flow from eating other organisms, a process where energy is mainly lost as heat.

In conclusion, energy and matter flow within biological systems from basal trophic levels to higher levels, which involves energy loss as heat.

Learn more about biological systems here:



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