A restaurant serves three types of omelettes. Surveys were taken of the last two days of orders and are displayed in the table below. Approximately 200 omelettes are served each day. What is the average number of ham and cheese omelettes served each day? Omelette Survey Sample 1 Sample 2 Ham and Cheese 7 Ham and Cheese 11 Mexican 4 Mexican 2 Vegetarian 1 Vegetarian 5 93 120 127 147.
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psm22415 2 years ago
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The average number of ham and cheese omelets served each day is 120.

The correct option is c.


A restaurant serves three types of omelets.

Surveys were taken of the last two days of orders and are displayed in the table below.

Approximately 200 omelets are served each day.

What is the average of samples?

The average of samples is defined as the sum of all averages divided by the total number of averages.

Sample 1  shows 7 out of 12 omelets were H&C;


The average of H&C omelets served each day is;

Sample2 cheese omelets 11 out of 18 is;


The average number of ham and cheese omelets served each day is;

Hence, the average number of ham and cheese omelets served each day is 120.

To know more about the Average value click the link given below.


5 (2 stars)
mirandaraehmrh 2 years ago
1 answer - 0 helps


The correct option is C ; 127

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