Name and describe the three mechanisms by which heat is transferred through Earth’s system. How is each mechanism different from the others? Provide one example of each heat transfer mechanism.
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kalinajuliet 4 years ago
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Answer: One of the ways heat is transferred is conduction, the transfer of heat through direct contact of two or more things. Your hands holding a cup of hot chocolate. The second was is convection, the transfer of heat through the movement of liquids or gasses. When you boil water. The third way is radiation, the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves. When  there is a fire and you hold your hands out BESIDE it. If you put your hands above the fire it would be convection.

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singhpradiumkumar 1 year ago
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The transfer of heat through the Earth's surface takes place through three mechanisms which include conduction, convection and electromagnetic radiation.

What are the three ways of heat transfer?

The transfer of heat energy from the Earth's surface takes place through three mechanisms which include conduction, convection, and electromagnetic radiation.

Heat is the form of energy. It is transferred through the solid material by the process of conduction, through the liquids and gases by the process of convection, and by the help of electromagnetic waves and radiation.

Heat is generally transferred in a combination of these three mechanisms and randomly occurs on its own way. As a result of this, it is important to understand here that these three phenomena takes place separately.

Learn more about Heat transfer here:


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