This is the 2nd Attachment. Help me solve this one also please. and thank you

I cant see ur reply

5 (1 star)
xKavinsky 2 years ago
68 response - 0 helps

Answer/Step-by-step explanation:

From the first attachment or we can also say:

Base on first attachment:

There are 12 people ⇒ Emily, Delvenal, 10 other friends that was suppose to come

Either :

cut the pan of brownies into the 12 pieces

cut the pan of brownies into 24 pieces

But from this second attachment we know that:

Out of the 10 friend that war suppose to come only 7 came.

Thus if they cut the pan of brownies into 12 pieces then

Emily and delvenal + 7 friend = 10 people

12 - 10 = 2

Hence, 2 pieces of brownies are left.

Thus, if they cut the pan of brownies into 24 pieces then

Emily and delvenal + 7 friend = 10 people

24 - 10 = 14

Hence, 14 pieces of brownies are left.


0 (0 stars)
lyndascott867 2 years ago
1 answer - 0 helps

how many brownies are there

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