Which of these is NOT a type of spoofing? sending an e-mail that says it is from a certain bank but it is not

sending unsolicited advertisements to millions of people at once

creating a fake website for a well-known business

changing the number sent to caller ID with a phone call​
Expert-verified answer
1 (1 star)
Martebi 1 year ago
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The option that is not  a type of spoofing is creating a fake website for a well-known business.

What is email spoofing?

Email spoofing is known to be a method  that is often used in spam and other forms of phishing attacks. This is often done to trick computer users to see that a message originate from a person or firm that they know.

Conclusively, The option that is not  a type of spoofing is creating a fake website for a well-known business as it is not what spoofing  is all about.

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