The data set shows the depth of a scuba diver, in meters, relative to sea level. The depths were recorded at regular intervals over a 25 min period.
{ −9, −18, −16, −13, −14}
What is the estimated mean absolute deviation of the scuba diver’s depth over the entire 25 min?
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maheshpatelvVT 1 year ago
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The mean absolute deviation of the scuba diver’s depth over the entire 25 min is 2.4 meters

What is mean absolute deviation?

It is defined as the measure to show the variation in data set in other words between the mean and every data value, the distance known as the MAD.

We have depths of the scuba diver, in meters

{−9, −18, −16, −13, −14}

We know the formula for the mean absolute deviation:

Here n is total number of observation

x is the elements in the data set

X is the mean of the data.

n = 5

x = -70/5 = -14

∑|x-X| = 12

MAD = 12/5 = 2.4 meters

Thus, the mean absolute deviation of the scuba diver’s depth over the entire 25 min is 2.4 meters.

Learn more about the mean absolute deviation here:


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