What does using the degrees of freedom in a sample correct for? possible bias between the alternative and null hypotheses possible bias between the sample and the population possible bias between the standard deviation and variance possible bias between the standard deviation and the mean
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Lanuel 2 years ago
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In Statistics and mathematics, the degrees of freedom in a sample are used to correct: A. possible bias between the alternative and null hypotheses.

What is a null hypothesis?

A null hypothesis () can be defined as the opposite of an alternate hypothesis (), and it asserts that two (2) possibilities are the same.

In In Statistics and mathematics, the test statistics of a given sample is calculated with this formula:


  • x is the sample mean.
  • u is the mean.
  • is the standard deviation.
  • n is the sample size.

Also, the degrees of freedom in a sample are used to correct a possible bias that exists between the alternative and null hypotheses.

Read more on null hypothesis here: https://brainacademy.pro/question/14913351

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