A new car is purchased for $31,000 and over time its value depreciates by one half
every 6.5 years. How long, to the nearest tenth of a year, would it take for the value
of the car to be $3,800?
Expert-verified answer
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joaobezerra 2 years ago
1658 response - 0 helps

Using an exponential function, it is found that it would take 19.68 years for the value of the car to be $3,800.

What is an exponential function?

A decaying exponential function is modeled by:

In which:

  • A(0) is the initial value.
  • r is the decay rate, as a decimal, after each n years.

In this problem:

  • The initial value is of $31,000, hence A(0) = 31000.
  • It depreciates by one-half every 6.5 years, hence r = 0.5, n = 6.5.

Then, the equation is:

The value would be of $3,800 at t for which A(t) = 3800, hence:

t = 19.68.

It would take 19.68 years for the value of the car to be $3,800.

More can be learned about exponential functions at https://brainacademy.pro/question/25537936

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EThinOh 2 years ago
1 answer - 0 helps



Step-by-step explanation:

I do not have one, I apologize.

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