Find the lengths of the diagonals of rectangle WXYZ where WY = - 2x + 34 and XZ = 3x - 26.
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The measure of the diagonals are 10 units each.

Step-by-step explanation:

The diagonals of a rectangle are always equal (Refer to image).

⇒ -2x + 34 = 3x - 26

⇒ -2x + 60 = 3x

⇒ 60 = 5x

⇒ 60/5 = 5x/5

12 = x

Now, let's substitute the value of x into any diagonal.

⇒ -2x + 34 = WY

⇒ -2(12) + 34 = WY

⇒ -24 + 34 = WY

10 units = WY

Thus, the measure of the diagonals are 10 units each.

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