Hillsdale Orchard\'s owners decide to plant 30 new Gala apple trees. Complete the ratio table to find the number of new Fuji apple trees the owner should plant if they want to maintain the same ratio of Fuji apple trees to Gala apple trees.

Ratio table
Fuji apple trees | __ __ 160
Gala apple trees | 30 __ 120

Please fill in the blank spaces in the table
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raphealnwobi 2 years ago
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Hillsdale Orchard's owners decide to plant 30 new Gala apple trees, he needs to pllat 40 new fuji trees so as to maintain the same ratio of Fuji apple trees to Gala apple trees.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

From the table:

Ratio of Fuji apple trees to Gala apple trees = 160 / 120 = 4/3

Hence, for 30 new galla trees, number of Fuji trees is:

Fuji trees = (4/3) * 30 = 40

Hillsdale Orchard's owners decide to plant 30 new Gala apple trees, he needs to pllat 40 new fuji trees so as to maintain the same ratio of Fuji apple trees to Gala apple trees.

Find out more on equation at: https://brainacademy.pro/question/1214333

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