The chocolate Shoppe has a rectangular logo for their business that measures 2 1/2 feet tall with an area that is exactly the maximum area allowed by the biulding owner. Create an equation that could be used to, determine L the unknown side length of the logo
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MrRoyal 1 year ago
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The equation that could be used to determine L, the unknown side length of the logo is A =2.5w

How to determine the equation?

The given parameters in the question are:

  • Shape: Rectangle
  • Height of logo, h = 2 1/2 feet

From the question we understand that the area is at maximum.

Represent this area with A

The area of the rectangle is:

A = h * l

Where h and l are the dimensions of the rectangle.

Substitute 2 1/2 for h

A = 2 1/2 * l

Express 2 1/2 as a decimal number

A = 2.5 * l

Evaluate the product

A =2.5l

Hence, the equation that could be used to determine L, the unknown side length of the logo is A =2.5w

Read more about areas at:

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