This is for my Iready and I’m super confused the story problem reads \"\"Lola rode her bike for 7/10 of an hour on Saturday and 3/5 of an hour on Sunday. How much longer did she ride her bike on Saturday than Sunday?
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sesamesesame 2 years ago
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First find the decimal values of both fractions:
7/10 is 7 divided by 10 so:
= 0.70

3/5 is 3 divided by 5 so:
= 0.60

60 minutes is one hour (since the question said that Lola rides the bike for 7/10 and 3/5 of an hour)

Now we use these to find how many minutes:
To find 0.70 (or 7/10) of 60 minutes, you multiply 60 x 0.70
= 42 minutes on Saturday

To find 0.60 (or 3/5) of 60 minutes, you multiply 60 x 0.60
= 36 minutes on Sunday

Now to find how much longer she rode her bike on Saturday than Sunday, you subtract the two numbers:
42 - 36
= 6
Therefore, Lola rode her bike for 6 minutes more on Saturday than on Sunday.

Still have questions?