The four principal types of stress are __________. a. frustration, conflict, pressure, and anxiety b. frustration, conflict, pressure, and change c. anger, anxiety, depression, and annoyance d. frustration, conflict, depression, and annoyance please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d
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batolisis 1 year ago
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The four principal types of stress are : ( A ) frustration, conflict, pressure, and anxiety

What is stress ?

Stress is any feeling of tension due a certain event or groups of events. Stress is either physical or emotional.Stress can be categorised into four ( 4 ) different types and tay are :

  • Physical stress : Pressure
  • Psychological stress : Frustration
  • Psychosocial stress : conflict
  • psycho spiritual stress : Anxiety

Hence we can conclude that The four principal types of stress are : ( A ) frustration, conflict, pressure, and anxiety.

Learn more about Stress :


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