Anita is designing an advertisement poster to go with President Barack Obama\'s back-to-school remarks. Which is the best slogan for her to feature on her poster?

Be responsible for your education, be responsible for your future.
You should get a good education so that you can get a good job.
Go to school, do your homework, and get educated.
You need education in order to really succeed in the future.
5 (2 stars)
recordofraganrok 1 year ago
662 response - 0 helps


Be responsible for your education, be responsible for your future.


Option A is the finest slogan. Option B is less appealing since it focuses on your future employment rather than your schooling. Option C has a tone that is neither attractive nor compelling. Option D has all of the issues that the other two do. Option A, on the other hand, emphasizes the necessity of education for the future while ignoring the importance of your future employment. Furthermore, it employs repetition as a powerful rhetorical tactic.

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