2) In paragraph B, what do you suppose Roosevelt is referring to when he talks about \'sins\'?
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Baraq 2 years ago
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Theodore Roosevelt is referring to sins as "lust" in a State of the Union address. "Gluttony"and "sloth" have had no takers. Hence, in his speech

in a State of the Union address. "Gluttony"and "sloth" have had no takers.

Roosevelt message

Roosevelt's message stated that in keeping with the Monroe Doctrine, the United States was justified in exercising "international police power" to put an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere.

Therefore, in establishing the justification for the American role, he made use of the word sins to mean glottony and sloth.

learn more about Roosevelt message: https://brainacademy.pro/question/658672

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