Detective Gundy found several areas in a warehouse where fires appeared to have started. What can he MOST likely conclude from this
A Someone deliberately set fires at different points around the warehouse
B. Several people accidentally dropped lit cigarettes around the warehouse
OC Strong winds spread the fire throughout multiple areas in the warehouse,
D. There was no accelerant used to start any of these fires
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sandlee09 2 years ago
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Given what we know, we can confirm that based on the evidence found, someone deliberately set fires at different points around the warehouse.

Why do we think the fires were deliberate?

This has to do with the natural way in which fires spread. Fires that occur naturally or accidentally tend to concentrate in one place, then spread throughout the warehouse over time, however, this is not what the detective found. Instead, there are indications that multiple fires started simultaneously.

Therefore, given the very unlikely nature of this occurring naturally, we can confirm that based on the evidence found, someone deliberately set fires at different points around the warehouse.

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