An older building is converted to apartments. Soon after, families living in the apartments experience multiple respiratory illnesses. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the illnesses?

A.Old lead pipes are still used in the building.
B.Asbestos was not removed from the building.
C.The heating system is releasing carbon monoxide.
D.Pesticides were used in the building\'s landscaping.
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pstnonsonjoku 1 year ago
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If the family  started having a lot of respiratory problems, It is possible that asbestos was not removed from the building.

What is asbestos?

The mineral asbestos occurs naturally and can be used as a heat resistant material. This informed the use of asbestos in buildings before 1970.

As such, if the family moved into the builiding and started having a lot of respiratory problems, It is possible that asbestos was not removed from the building.

Learn more about asbestos:

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